Fordham Law Professor Chinmayi Sharma describes for Tech Policy Press what she and Steven Kelts, a lecturer in the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, learned by conducting a first-of-its-kind interactive simulation intended to identify the challenges of developing responsible artificial intelligence products and services and help design organizations that can overcome them. They argue, among other things, that simulations are a valuable tool to tease out the complexities of responsible AI development.
Most people want AI to be built and used responsibly. We even have a sense (however vague) of what it means to build AI responsibly. But, AI is built in complex corporate and regulatory landscapes. How does that affect the end product? How do we ensure that all stakeholder groups—both within a company and in the broader regulatory and societal context—develop a deep understanding of the complex environments in which responsible AI frameworks must be implemented? And how can we teach professionals, from engineers and board members to policymakers and civil society, to collaborate effectively within this intricate landscape to ensure that AI systems are developed and deployed responsibly? There is no panacea, but we think simulations are part of the answer.
Read “Leveling Up to Responsible AI Through Simulations” on Tech Policy Press.