Mary Kate Brennan J.D. ’12, LL.M. ’17 Helps Develop National Tracker for Coronavirus Directives


Fordham Law alumni are sharing their legal knowledge to help inform people affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Mary Kate Brennan J.D. ’12, LL.M. ’17, an associate at Dentons, has been working with colleagues to develop and maintain an online tracker to help address the pandemic’s legal and business challenges

Mary Kate Brennan J.D. ’12, LL.M. ’17

Mary Kate Brennan J.D. ’12, LL.M. ’17

The Dentons U.S. COVID-19 50-State Tracker includes reviews of U.S. federal, state, and local governmental orders, directives and financial assistance, public restrictions, health and business directives, school closures, and updates on courts and legislative sessions. Official links are provided where possible throughout the tracker to ensure that details on the latest guidance and orders are available. Information regarding remote online notarizations and eNotarization, mortgage and rent payment relief, and telemedicine/telehealth recently was added. Additional updates will continue to be incorporated as relevant.

Brennan is personally covering New York State, which includes all of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s executive orders as well as local regulations from New York City, New Rochelle, Syracuse, and Buffalo.

“Many of the firm’s pro bono clientsmostly non-profits or social organizationshave been significantly impacted by COVID-19’s challenges,” Brennan said. “Our resource tools, particularly the tracker, have already received a positive response as they help to identify problems and solutions.”

Alumni: We want to hear from you! If you are involved in pro bono or public service initiatives to help during the coronavirus outbreak, please share your story with us at [email protected].


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