Gap Between Online and In-Person Learning Narrows


Dean Matthew Diller was quoted in an article by Inside Higher Ed discussing the advantages of the online learning options that emerged as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2021, most students had an unfavorable view of that initial experience transitioning to online learning, according to the report.

“It wasn’t what they signed up for, the sudden loss of in-person contact with their professors and peers was acutely felt, and school administrators and faculty had to adjust to a distance-learning format on the fly,” the report’s authors wrote.

But time heals some wounds, especially when faculty members stepped up to gain proficiency in online teaching best practices. Also, students discovered some advantages to hybrid and online learning, including the flexibility the formats offer.

“Working students benefit hugely from not having to spend 45 minutes traveling to and from the law school every day,” said Matthew Diller, dean of the Fordham Law School. “Mixing online classes in with in-person classes, particularly for working students, makes a ton of sense.”

Read the full article.


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