Beyond Elle Woods: The Rise of Fashion Law


Professor Susan Scafidi, founder of Fordham’s Fashion Law Institute, spoke with Racked about the rise of fashion law.

“It became apparent to me that there were questions about the fashion industry that no one was trained to answer,” says Scafidi. “There needed to be a field of fashion law where people were trained. Fashion companies have in-house counsel, but they aren’t specialized in fashion. If they were going to have an IPO, they called a lawyer that dealt with that. If they were acquired, they called someone specializing in mergers and acquisitions. But each time, they’d have to educate the lawyer about how their business works, and that’s a waste of time and money. A fashion lawyer can understand, empathize with, and act on behalf of clients in a technical and specialized industry. They understand all the quirky details.”

Read Racked‘s entire article here.


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