Gerald Manwah on Fordham’s Corporate Compliance Institute


Compliance is one of the fastest-growing areas in legal and business employment. As the scope and breadth of compliance regulation have increased, industries around the globe have ramped up their compliance initiatives.

Gerald Manwah: “The regulatory environment and regulatory expectations have changed exponentially since 9/11 and the financial crisis and over the last decade. Regulatory fines have moved from hundreds of millions of dollars to billions of dollars.

“In today’s environment, compliance is hot. Many regulated entities now have to employ several hundred new compliance officers, as well as many new industries have to start designing and implementing an effective, end-to-end compliance program.”

That’s Gerald Manwah, the Senior Director of Compliance Programs at Fordham Law. He’s one of the lead organizers of Fordham’s Corporate Compliance Institute, a one-week intensive training program on compliance fundamentals that will be held at Fordham July 6-10.

Gerald Manwah: “We are going to teach participants the fundamental components and how to run an effective, end-to-end compliance program. They will get to hear from some of the world’s top compliance professionals, and they will be able to network at the same time.”

The Institute will address compliance issues that are specific to more highly regulated industries, such as banking, financial services, and pharmaceuticals.

Gerald Manwah: “Recent efforts by regulators in various industries have heightened the importance of corporate compliance initiatives because an effective compliance program may reduce a company’s risks, reduce the severity of claims and penalties when violations do occur, and enhance corporate performance and profitability.”

The Summer 2015 Corporate Compliance Institute is presented jointly by Fordham University’s Law School and Gabelli School of Business. To learn more about the program, visit the Corporate Compliance Institute web site.


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