Linda Sugin Elected to American Law Institute


Fordham Law Professor Linda Sugin gained membership into the prestigious American Law Institute this month.

Sugin teaches classes on federal taxation and nonprofit organizations, and has co-authored a textbook on income taxation, The Individual Tax Base: Cases, Problems, and Policies in Federal Taxation (2002). Most of her recent scholarship focuses on issues of distributive justice in taxation.

In 2007, Sugin received Fordham Law School’s Teacher of the Year Award. She is a graduate of Harvard College and NYU Law School.

Established in 1923, the American Law Institute is the leading independent organization in the United States producing scholarly work to clarify, modernize, and improve the law. Fordham Law has 16 professors and deans, including Dean Matthew Diller, who are American Law Institute members, according to the ALI’s web site.


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