A look at 2 prosecutions of extremists touted by Christie


Karen Greenberg was quoted in an Associated Press article about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s prosecutions of terrorism cases while he was New Jersey’s U.S. attorney.

THE DEFENDANTS: Five foreign-born Muslims in their 20s living in Philadelphia and its southern New Jersey suburbs.

THE ACCUSATIONS: The men were charged in 2007 with conspiring to kill U.S. military personnel at New Jersey’s Fort Dix. (A sixth was charged with weapons offenses.) Authorities had been alerted initially after a store clerk saw a video of the men shooting guns at a firing range and yelling “Allahu Akbar,” or “God is great.” Jurors heard hours of secretly recorded audio that included one defendant saying how they could “kill at least 100 soldiers by using rocket-propelled grenades.” They also heard evidence that another defendant told a second informant: “We are good the way we are. We are not going to kill anyone.”

WHAT PROSECUTORS SAID: Shortly after their arrest, Christie told The Associated Press that the men “were in the last stage of planning” and “very close to moving on this.” An FBI agent said the group “was forming a platoon to take on an army.” After the trial, prosecutors acknowledged that the group was probably months away from an attack and didn’t have a specific plan.

WHAT THE DEFENSE SAID: Defense attorneys claimed the men may have made anti-American statements but had no plans to attack anything until informant Mahmoud Omar infiltrated the group and spent months goading and manipulating them. Defense attorneys Rocco Cipparone and Richard Sparaco both said recently that the evidence showed Omar, a convicted felon, pushing the plot forward when the defendants seemed hesitant or uninterested. Cipparone noted that Omar was receiving $1,500 per month from the government plus the use of a $1,400-per-month apartment.

THE OUTCOME: The five Fort Dix defendants — brothers Shain, Dritan and Eljvir Duka, Serdar Tatar and Mohamad Shnewer — were convicted in December 2008 of conspiring to kill U.S. military personnel but acquitted of attempted murder charges. Tatar received 33 years; the other four received life sentences.

FOR COMPARISON: Karen Greenberg, director of the Center on National Security at Fordham Law School, pointed out that the Fort Dix plotters received longer sentences than four men who were caught going to plant bombs — fakes provided by a government informant — at New York City synagogues in 2009. They received similar sentences to Faisal Shahzad, who left a bomb that failed to explode in an SUV in Times Square in 2010, and Richard Reid, who tried to blow up a commercial airliner with explosives hidden in his shoes. “Is that what you really want your criminal justice system to look like?” Greenberg asked. “You can say somebody who’s an accused terrorist should go away for a really long time, no matter what they did. But when you’re thinking about a balanced judicial system, those cases don’t fit that narrative.”

Read the full article.


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