Hey Supreme Court, Please Settle This Ted Cruz Birther Thing


Thomas H. Lee quoted in a Daily Beast article about the Supreme Court’s lack of  addressing the specific of issue whether a person in Ted Cruz’s position is eligible to be president in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Constitution.

So is Cruz a “natural born citizen”?  There are countless articles debating this issue. While some legal scholars support Cruz’s eligibility, others like Fordham Law School constitutional law professor Thomas Lee informed me that the question of whether Cruz is a “natural born citizen” can be answered with two words: “It depends.”

Lee, who was an editor of the Harvard Law Review and clerked for Supreme Court Justice David Souter, explained that the issue could go either way.  Lee noted there are two views of constitutional interpretations that he believes would support Cruz—the textualist and evolutionist views.

But under the “originalist” view, Cruz could be deemed ineligible.  Constitutional orginalists interpret the Constitution by looking at the meaning of the document when it was originally written. Ironically, Cruz is a constitutional orginalist and that is part of his appeal to conservatives. As Lee noted, Cruz should actually disqualify himself from the presidency if he remained true to being an originalist.

Professor Lee noted that there are likely only a few parties who would have the legal standing to bring a lawsuit in federal court to challenge Cruz’s eligibility. “Individual voters would not have standing,” Lee noted because federal courts require a “concrete injury,” not a more “generalized grievance.”

Bottom line, Lee believes it will take one of Cruz’s fellow presidential candidates to bring a lawsuit. Lee doubted that Super PACs would have standing in federal court unless they could show a concrete injury.

Lee did caution, however, that the Supreme Court could deem this issue a“political question” and decline to get involved. But President Cruz would still likely be dogged by this issue his entire term, leading to a possible crisis in confidence.

Read the entire Daily Beast story.


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