The Era Of Rogue Justice After 9/11


An excerpt from Fordham Law Center on National Security Director Karen Greenberg‘s new book Rogue Justice: The Making of the Security State appeared in The Nation.

Above all, Obama has refused to punish those who designed, justified, carried out, and covered up torture. Without accountability, there is little to deter future government lawyers from fashioning opinions to suit the exigent needs of their president, as John Yoo did for Bush. Some of those who had a part in building these programs have confessed to me their remorse, and the way their participation keeps them up at night, but this sorrow remains as secret as the programs once were. And all of them, remorseful or not, are free to pursue their careers and, if called upon, to comment, as Dick Cheney and Yoo still sometimes are, to defend torture as a useful weapon in the war on terror.

Read the excerpt here.


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