Nevada’s Path Forward Unclear after Twice-Delayed Execution


Deborah Denno was quoted in an Associated Press article about the state of Nevada using drugs as a form of capital punishment.

In an election year, few Nevada politicians are talking about possible changes to keep the death penalty viable while the state faces a court battle that’s expected to be lengthy.

“It will be quite a while before Scott Dozier is going to face an execution day,” said Deborah Denno, an expert in capital punishment law at Fordham University in New York.

Nevada could try to obtain a compounded drug from Texas, like Virginia did in 2015 before passing a law allowing prisons to use a secret compounding pharmacy.

But the made-to-order drugs can be expensive, and “Nevada may not want to make that kind of investment,” Denno said.

Nevada law calls for capital punishment by lethal injection, so state officials would have to approve changes — and perhaps build new facilities — to switch to a different method.

It might consider joining Alabama, Mississippi, Ohio, and Oklahoma in a yet-to-be-employed method using nitrogen gas, Denno said. It asphyxiates a person in an airtight chamber through a lack of oxygen.

Read full article.


The news was also published in The Kansas City Star, San Antonio Express-News, and The News Courier.


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