Killing Time on Death Row: ‘If They’re Going to Kill Me, Get to it’


Deborah Denno was quoted in a article about the state of Nevada using drugs as a form of capital punishment.

HE’S the death row inmate they can’t kill.

It’s not for lack of trying on the State of Nevada’s part: Scott Raymond Dozier’s execution by lethal injection has been scheduled twice.

“It will be quite a while before Scott Dozier is going to face an execution day,” said Professor Deborah Denno, an expert in capital punishment law at Fordham University in New York.

If the courts block his execution again, Nevada could try to get drugs from a made-to-order compounding pharmacy. Texas and Georgia both use such pharmacies and have passed laws shielding the facilities’ identities.


But the made-to-order drugs can be expensive, and “Nevada may not want to make that kind of investment,” Prof Denno said.

The Nevada case could stall executions in other states if other companies and organisations follow Alvogen’s lead,” said Denno said.

Alabama, Mississippi, Ohio, and Oklahoma has [sic]switched to a yet-to-be-used method using nitrogen gas, Prof Denno said.

It asphyxiates a person in an airtight chamber through a lack of oxygen.

Psychologists suspect the narcissist within Dozier is enjoying the attention.


“[Dozier] saw an opportunity to be the first execution in a dozen years, in the state’s new death chamber, and all these firsts could add to the myth,” said Vince Gonzales, a Dallas-based sentencing expert who studied Dozier.

Others say he’s calling Nevada’s bluff, well aware he’s reigniting debate about not just the death penalty, but also about when a death-row inmate’s willingness to be executed sees the state cross a line from punishment to assisted suicide, the Christian Science Monitor reports.

“Most people think these inmates are fighting for their lives and the way to really get back at them is to kill them,” says Prof Denno.

Read full article.


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