Saudi Arabia Admits Jamal Khashoggi Killed in Istanbul Consulate


Karen Greenberg was quoted in an Al Jazeera article about the death of Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Karen Greenberg, director of the Center on National Security, said she was “surprised” by the Saudis’ story about Khashoggi’s death.

“They knew they had to come up with a story, and this is what they think is the best story for their purposes. It’s at the very least insufficient, but it’s also insulting. It’s ‘here’s our story and we’re sticking to it’.”

Greenberg said Saudi King Salman could have reprimanded and removed his son from power for the killing.

“This is a brutal, horrifying, pointed assassination of a journalist who had strong ties to the West and was a resident of the United States. Each one of those is a line that you wouldn’t have expected the king to allow to be crossed,” Greenberg told Al Jazeera.

Read full article.


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