International Human Rights Clinic Conducts Gender Justice Workshop in Kenya


Using a manual designed in the Fall semester for proposing Gender Justice in Japan, the International Human Rights Clinic, directed by Chi Adanna Mgbako, partnered with the Centre for Rights Education and Awareness (CREAW) to adapt the training manual to the Kenya context and highlight issues at the intersection of gender studies and human rights.

In November, the Leitner Clinic traveled to Nairobi to conduct the multi-day gender justice and human rights interactive workshop for a gathering of diverse young Kenyan activists and university students. Several workshop participants have indicated their intention to replicate parts of the workshop within their schools, organizations, and communities.

In the spring, the clinic partnered with students and faculty from the Strathmore Law School Clinic in Nairobi, Kenya, to continue the Leitner Clinic’s global gender justice and human rights education campaign. The Leitner Clinic continued to build on this work by partnering with Strathmore Law School to develop the gender justice workshop for participants in Kibera, the largest impoverished urban settlement in Nairobi, where sexual and gender-based violence rates are very high.


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