U.S. Readies $11 Billion in Tariffs on E.U.


Adjunct Professor, Matthew Gold, was quoted in an article published by the New York Times about the contentious tariff battle taking place between the U.S. and the European Union and the latest U.S. retaliation for European subsidies to the aerospace corporation, Airbus.

The United States and the European Union are preparing to impose tit-for-tat tariffs on each other’s products, the latest escalation in a 14-year fight over government aid given to Boeing and European rival Airbus.

Last May, the W.T.O. found that Airbus had received illegal funding for several of its aircraft models. The United States requested the authority to impose retaliatory tariffs of $11.2 billion per year, and the two sides are awaiting a decision on the level of tariffs that the United States will be authorized to levy on the European Union.

While the subsidy dispute predates Mr. Trump’s trade war by many years, the conflict has recently taken on some of the same tone that has characterized relations between the United States and Europe during the last two years, including reciprocal threats, radically different interpretations of the same facts, and an undercurrent of hostility among the NATO allies.

The two governments announced plans in July to negotiate an agreement that would reduce tariffs and other barriers to trade on both sides of the Atlantic, but have since disputed exactly what would be included in the agreement.

Matthew Gold, an adjunct professor of law at Fordham University, said, “The W.T.O. dispute settlement body will likely authorize the United States to impose retaliatory tariffs in the magnitude we’re asking for, or close to it.”

Read full article.


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