Big Tech Has a Lot to Lose in the Trump-Xi Jinping Talks


Professor Matthew Gold was quoted in a CNN Business article about what is at stake for Big Tech companies when it comes to President Trump’s planned meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping at the G20 summit in Japan.

The trade dispute between the United States and China has disrupted a lot companies. The stakes for tech are particularly high.

“Everything in the trade war is hurting us as well as the Chinese,” said Matt Gold, a law professor at Fordham University and former trade negotiator.

Technically, trade negotiations and national security measures like the export ban are separate. But Trump has said he might consider concessions for Huawei as part of a trade deal with China.

However, such a deal could set a dangerous precedent, according to Gold.

“Both the President’s timing of certain actions and hints that the President has made expressly have raised fears that he’s offering the Chinese a compromise of our national security enforcement in exchange for the kinds of concessions that he can boast about on the campaign trail,” Gold said. “If we put legitimate enforcement of our national security laws on the table in trade negotiation, we are inviting our adversaries to demand we drop national security enforcement at future trade negotiation tables.”

Read full article.


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