‘Fog of Crisis’: National Security Experts Warn U.S. Is on ‘Brink of Conflict’ with Iran


Law & Crime consulted Professor Karen Greenberg on the unseen cyber warfare taking place within the larger tensions between the U.S. and Iran.

Adding to those tensions is a largely unseen cyber war, Karen Greenberg, the Executive Director of the Center on National Security at Fordham Law School, explained to Ross.

“It’s almost like a parallel conversation that’s going on in the conflict between the United States and Iran. Lots of it we know we don’t hear about, but we’ve heard about some of it, which has to do with us attacking Iranian intelligence networks and Iranians targeting our financial and other networks,” Greenberg said.

“Some of it is theft, some of it is ransomware, and some of it is just to show that they can do it. But it is getting more and more intense,” she added. “It’s been going on over the course of the last couple of months and it is not helped by the fact that the bellicose language from the President makes it so that he’s pushing Iran further and further.”

According to Greenberg, experts have already begun to consider the potential costs of a “hot” war with Iran.

“People have been starting to talk about the difference between the war with Iraq and what a war with Iran would be. Estimates of people who lived through the Iraq war in positions of command and official authority have said that the Iran war would dwarf what the Iraq War looked like,” she said.

Greenberg reiterated, however, that if Trump is willing, productive engagement can happen.

“Foreign Minister Zarif has offered to talk to the members of Congress. But that’s interesting because there is a hunger for diplomacy. It has to happen. And right now there are no avenues for it

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