Student Spotlight: Women Sweep the Slate as Law School’s 2021-2022 Journal Editors in Chief


A cohort of 3L women led all six Fordham Law journals as editors in chief this academic year. It is the second time since 1996 (when the Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law launched alongside the other five existing journals) that women were at the helm of their respective journals.

This year’s editors in chief are: Shazell Archer ’22 of Fordham Urban Law Journal (Vol. 49); Alexandra Bieler ’22 of Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law (Vol. 27); Claudia Carollo ’22 of Fordham Environmental Law Review (Vol. 33); Tatiana Hyman ’22 of Fordham Law Review (Vol. 90); Laura Rann ’22 of Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal (Vol. 32); and Magdalen Sullivan ’22 of Fordham International Law Journal (Vol. 45).

We asked them about their experiences as editors in chief, the journal-wide accomplishments made this year, and what this moment in history means to them.

“One rewarding part of being the editor-in-chief of the Urban Law Journal is working with a team of dedicated, ambitious, and talented individuals to publish pieces on critical urban issues, such as the legality of vaccination policies and the effects of climate change on incarcerated individuals. It has been so fulfilling to solicit authors from unique and underrepresented backgrounds and work with them to develop informative and impactful literature. I am honored to have led my journal and to be a representation of what women can do.” Archer

“One of my favorite moments with the journal was the fall symposium, titled ‘Here to Stay: Wrestling with the Future of Quickly Maturing Special Purpose Acquisition Company Market.’ It gave us an opportunity to put on several extraordinary panels as well as host SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce. It really could not have gone better, and that is a credit to our symposium editor, AJ Harris.” Bieler

“One of the most rewarding parts of my experience as editor in chief thus far has been witnessing our staffers engaged in discussion during our symposium. It reminds me of a favorite quote of mine by Margaret Mead—‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.’ Additionally, it has been extremely rewarding to be a part of this all-women group of editors in chief; I admire them all greatly.” Carollo

“The highlight of my experience as EIC has been working with our board, especially our diversity & inclusion co-chairs, to brainstorm and implement ways to strengthen the journal’s commitment to diversity and inclusion—including creating an executive diversity & inclusion editor position on the editorial board and hosting a “Meet the Journals” event [during the fall 2021 semester], so that all 1Ls could learn about journals before the writing competition. Another highlight is the creation of a mentorship program with members of the Fordham Undergraduate Law Review—24 Fordham Law Review members have served as mentors to 28 undergraduates. I look forward to seeing how these initiatives will progress beyond my tenure!” Hyman

“I’m grateful to be working among so many inspiring women leaders running Fordham’s various law journals, including IPLJ’s managing editor, Caroline Vermillion. It is very meaningful for me to be a part of a group of women who are constantly learning, growing, and pushing the boundaries of what their journals can accomplish. This is why I am so proud of IPLJ’s “IP Interrupted” Symposium—an event that amplifies diverse voices and their contributions to the intellectual property field.” Rann

“It has been rewarding to lead a team of my peers interested in international law during a time when so many of our current events are global by nature—the pandemic, climate change, and an increasingly connected global economy. I told Volume 45 at orientation in September that even though editing, fact-checking, and blue booking articles may be our function, our purpose here is to engage with, learn from, and contribute to international legal scholarship. I feel so privileged to have witnessed our staffers, editors, and authors practicing their purpose by making their mark on ILJ’s catalog and, by extension, international scholarship as a whole.” Sullivan


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