Annual Fordham Law Pre-Law and Summer Institutes Begin Online


The sixth annual Pre-Law Institute and 14th annual Summer Institute began at Fordham Law School on July 5.

This year’s programs have drawn nearly 80 participants from the U.S., Puerto Rico, and 15 other countries—Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay. Also attending this year’s Pre-Law Institute are 10 participants from the Increasing Diversity in Education and Law (IDEAL) pipeline program, which seeks to address issues relating to disadvantaged and underrepresented individuals in law school and the increasing need for racial and socioeconomic diversity in the legal profession.

The Pre-Law Institute is open to all but is designed primarily for U.S. undergraduate students and others who are thinking about attending law school. The Summer Institute was created to offer an introduction to U.S. law and practice for foreign-trained lawyers and law students. The decision was made to hold both programs together online again this year to allow these cohorts to learn from each other and allow greater accessibility to the program during continued travel interruptions and public health challenges.

The program introduces students to the U.S. legal system and substantive areas of law that are the foundation of U.S. law. Classes are taught by members of Fordham Law’s full-time and adjunct faculty.

This year’s program—which will conclude Aug. 4—will feature a virtual visit to the law firm Morgan Lewis and panels composed of public interest practitioners and law firm practitioners. There are also optional sessions for the Pre-Law Institute participants on law school admissions and what every 1L should know, and optional sessions for the Summer Institute participants on applying to and choosing an LL.M. program and preparing for the LL.M. (including a panel discussion with Fordham LL.M. alumni).

Details regarding the Pre-Law Institute are available here.

Details regarding the Summer Institute are available here.

Details regarding IDEAL and other Fordham Law diversity initiatives are available here.


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