Meet Tinatin Oboladze, LL.M. ’24


Originally from Tbilisi, Georgia, Tinatin Oboladze, LL.M. ’24 has been soaking up every moment of living in the Big Apple and studying in Fordham Law’s LL.M. program in International Law and Justice. She said she has not only gained a better understanding of human rights protection and promotion on international, regional, and domestic levels through her coursework, but has also made genuine connections with Law School community members.

Where did you study before Fordham Law?

I studied in the International Law LL.B. program in Georgia at Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Law.

Why did you choose Fordham Law?

I chose Fordham Law because it offers a unique environment where students can collaborate closely with faculty, express their ideas, and engage in valuable exchanges. The people at Fordham are genuinely supportive and present for their students, especially those who aspire to push the boundaries and explore innovative ideas outside the box. This dynamic and nurturing atmosphere aligns with my educational goals and aspirations.

What’s it like studying law in New York City?

Studying law in New York City is an extraordinary experience. It feels like you’re right in the heart of the world, exposed to everything happening in this vibrant metropolis. The city itself imparts incredible life lessons as you navigate its bustling streets. Each step you take feels like you’re living out your most ambitious dreams, and it motivates you to pursue your aspirations, given the countless opportunities that constantly emerge.

What are you involved in at the Law School?

One of the highlights of my academic experience here is taking the course on U.S. foreign relations law taught by Professor Martin Flaherty, a renowned scholar in the field. This class offers a unique opportunity to delve into the intricate relationship between U.S. Constitutional law and international law, providing a comprehensive understanding that is truly distinctive and hard to find in other law schools.

Together with my dedicated classmates, I have also had the privilege of establishing the Fordham International Law Association (FILA). As the inaugural president of FILA, I am honored to lead this exciting initiative. We are on the brink of unveiling a series of ambitious plans and projects, and I wish to express my profound gratitude to the Leitner Center of International Law and Justice for their support.

What has been your favorite experience at the Law School?

My favorite experience at Fordham Law has been the close-knit bond among my fellow classmates. The genuine connections I’ve formed and the spirit of accessibility within this institution have truly stood out. What’s even more amazing is our collective maturity and readiness to share important information and guide each other in a meaningful way. Whether it’s through collaborative projects, engaging discussions, or shared academic journeys, the people at Fordham Law have made my time here exceptionally memorable.

What do you hope to do when you graduate?

After graduation, my short-term plans include continuing my law practice in international law and human rights. Additionally, I plan to be actively involved in advocacy efforts that address the current challenges facing the international legal order. This may involve collaborating with organizations, participating in international conferences and forums, and contributing to policy discussions aimed at strengthening global efforts in this matter.

Looking further into the future, my long-term aspiration is to transition into academia. I see myself returning to a law school to teach and mentor the next generation of legal scholars and practitioners. By sharing my experiences and knowledge, I hope to inspire and educate future lawyers about the importance of international law in our interconnected world.


Fordham Law’s LL.M. program is training the next generation of global lawyers. Learn more about the program and our nine specializations.

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