The New York Times: Olivier Sylvain Comments on SCOTUS Social Media Decision


Fordham Law Professor Olivier Sylvain is quoted in a New York Times article weighing in on a U.S. Supreme Court decision involving online platforms and free speech.

Olivier Sylvain, a law professor at Fordham University, said that Monday’s ruling could open the door for the court or regulators to consider those more complicated issues. That could include how to handle commercial speech online, like platforms that amplify discriminatory advertising, rather than the political viewpoints at the heart of Monday’s ruling.

“Texas and Florida were taken by an ideological political spat that social media companies are biased against conservative viewpoints,” he said. “I’m hopeful, at least, that this has cabined that stuff out and we can start thinking about all the many questions that are far more interesting.”

Read, “Supreme Court Declines to Rule on Tech Platforms’ Free Speech Rights” in The New York Times.


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