Coronavirus Update 3/16

We hope you are staying healthy, and managing to connect to family and friends while social distancing.  Your health and well-being are foremost in our minds, and we are working to support you during this unprecedented interruption in our program. I want to follow up on Saturday’s communication to you. Please read to the end of this email for information about mental health resources.
Academic Issues

Your professors are working to transition their courses to online instruction. Please complete the survey circulated last week and linked here so that we can help them teach you as effectively as possible. Our goal is to limit disruption to the academic program and provide you the same level of educational excellence to which we always aspire. As they – and you – get more comfortable with the new structure, we hope that learning will be easier and less stressful. Here is the email from the library that you should have received with information for free access to electronic study aids.We are committed to course continuity that will satisfy the ABA and NYS Court of Appeals. Our goal is for every student to earn the credits and instruction needed for graduation and certification to sit for the New York bar exam. The faculty and administration are working to resolve the many issues raised by administering exams remotely, and you will be informed as soon as protocols are established. For many of you the new academic situation poses hardships. Many lack quiet work spaces at home and most public places where one might go are shuttered. While we are aware of student discussion, grading policies are set by the faculty as a whole and any change in the grading of classes would have to be approved by the full faculty. We will be working with the faculty as it considers this and other academic issues.The Law School continues to provide disability accommodations to any qualifying student, and we are committed to the same level of support through the online class format. As always, reasonable accommodations will be granted to any student who meets the requirements set forth by the ADA and by the Office of Disability Services. Students requiring accommodation should contact Abel Montez in the Office of Student Affairs at [email protected].Extra-curriculars

As students and faculty become more comfortable with the online platforms available, we hope that extra-curricular events can resume remotely. Consequently, we encourage student organizations to continue to engage in discussions and to host events using an online format. To facilitate this, a Zoom license has been authorized for every student. To claim your license, please register with your email address at Online training is available at Please contact Law Media Services at [email protected] or the help desk at [email protected] if you have questions.University Housing

The McMahon residence hall is operated by the University’s Office of Residential Life. The Office of Residential Life is making accommodations for any student with no alternative to university housing.  If you have a critical housing need, please complete the Emergency Departure from Housing Form so that your situation can be evaluated immediately. We ask that you contact Dean Gordon-Somers at the Law School as well [email protected]. We are working to make sure that every Fordham Law student is safe.  We expect that students who have vacated the dorms will receive payment adjustments from the University.

Dining Hall

University dining halls will provide meals for students remaining in housing, subject to the NYC state of emergency regulations that limit food venues to takeout or delivery only. The Ram Café will be the only Fordham dining facility open (7:30AM – 6:00PM) on the Lincoln Center campus and it will be take out only. BonMi will also be open on a take-out only basis. If you are concerned about food insecurity, please contact Dean Gordon-Somers at [email protected].

Mental Health

Fordham’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) remains committed to supporting students’ mental and emotional health and well-being:

CPS’ Rose Hill and Lincoln Center offices will be open Monday to Friday from 9-5.
CPS will continue to provide essential clinical services, including triages, crisis intervention, individual counseling, psychiatric evaluations and medication management, and can provide these services remotely by phone, Zoom or Web-ex as necessary. Students may schedule an initial screening or crisis appointment by calling 718-812-3725 or 212-636-6225.
For students already receiving counseling or psychiatric services at CPS, they can contact their counselor directly to coordinate upcoming appointments.
Public safety is available 24/7 at 212-636-6076 for students experiencing a mental health emergency during our non-business hours.
In addition to the above, the following resources are available for any student suffering emotional or mental health distress related to COVID-19:Recommendations for Managing Distress Related to the Novel Coronavirus

CDC Article – Managing Anxiety & Stress

7 science-based strategies to cope with coronavirus anxiety

We will continue to maintain open communication with the student body and the president of the SBA.The Fordham Law community has shown its incredible strength, resilience, and dedication throughout this crisis, and we are grateful for your continued support of each other.

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