How Progressives Are Knocking Out Local Judges Across the Country


Professor John Pfaff shares his expert opinion in a Politico article and discusses the barriers that prevent progressive judges from getting elected.

“We are seeing that when you elect [a progressive judge]like Krasner, then immediately the judiciary starts pushing back against him,” said John Pfaff, a professor of law at Fordham University who studies the role of prosecutorial discretion in driving high prison populations. “Historically speaking, judges seem to be fairly deferential to prosecutors … but that in some way reflects the fact that those judges were former prosecutors for the same office that was still asking for bail, and therefore had a fair amount in common ideologically. When you change who the D.A. is, it’s become clear that judges will resist.”


“I’m a law professor who takes voting for judges very, very seriously, and I struggle to learn anything about these judges beyond, at best, where they went to law school and what their job was before they became a judge,” said Pfaff, who noted that even local outlets don’t tend to publish detailed information on judicial candidates during busy during election cycles. “Even if you want to be a high-information voter, you can’t be, outside of sending emails to each individual judge to find out what they think.”


“Crime is really, really concentrated, and therefore the costs of both punishment and the cost of good or bad responses to crime are all born in very geographically dense places … and those places we see came to be the areas that most favor reform,” Pfaff said. “[People from these areas] understand that tough-on-crime [policy]doesn’t work well, because it’s their families that are being needlessly arrested and detained in harmful kinds of ways.”

Read the full article.


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