New York Law Journal: Prof. Jerry H. Goldfeder Not Surprised Judge Knocked RFK Jr. Off Presidential Ballot


Fordham Law Adjunct Professor Jerry H. Goldfeder, director of Fordham Law School’s Voting Rights and Democracy Project, was quoted in a New York Law Journal article discussing a New York trial court judge’s decision that ordered the state Board of Elections not to include Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the statewide ballot.

Election lawyers said it was foreseeable, given the circumstances, that a New York trial court judge would order the state Board of Elections to not include independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his running mate Nicole Shanahan on the Nov. 5 statewide ballot.

“The decision is unsurprising,” said Jerry H. Goldfeder, senior counsel at Cozen O’Connor and director of Fordham Law School’s Voting Rights and Democracy Project. “New York has a long line of cases that require a bona fide address on ballot access petitions, for candidates running for City Council or President of the United States. It remains to be seen whether it will hold up on appeal, and, if so, if other states will follow this ruling.”

Read “Election Lawyers Weren’t Surprised Judge Knocked RFK Jr. Off Presidential Ballot” in New York Law Journal.



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