An Update from Dean Matthew Diller

An Update from Dean Matthew Diller:

Our world has undergone unprecedented changes these past several weeks, and I write to update you about our planning for the months ahead and to solicit your views. Your feedback is critical and it will help shape the path we take in the fall.

First, I want to express my pride and appreciation for the strength and resiliency that all of you have shown in the face of adversity. Although it is too early to know whether our fall reopening will be in-person with social distancing, online, or some combination, a working group of faculty, administrators, and students is developing recommendations for each scenario, and we will communicate with you throughout.

As the group sorts through complicated questions, we urgently need your insights. Please respond to this important survey. We want fall classes to resume smoothly and your candid feedback is key to achieving this goal. Just as you committed yourself to your classes this spring, the faculty, administration, and staff remain committed to delivering the same high-quality education that is the hallmark of the Fordham experience.

The working group we have formed includes myself, Associate Dean Linda Sugin, and the following faculty, administrators, and students:


  • Professor Clare Huntington (working group chair)
  • Professor Joseph Landau
  • Professor Ron Lazebnik
  • Professor Mike W. Martin
  • Professor Todd Melnick
  • Professor Kimani Paul-Emile
  • Professor Aaron Saiger
  • Professor Richard Squire
  • Assistant Dean Audrey Glassman
  • Assistant Dean Toni Jaeger Fine
  • Cristina Lombardi ’21
  • Megan Negron ’21

Take the survey.


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