Las cárceles de Estados Unidos, llenas de latinos


Deborah Denno quoted in BBC Mundo about how, for the first time, the number of Latinos convicted of federal crimes exceeds absolute criminals to other ethnic groups in the country terms.

“We have not seen such a scenario recently, and I dare say that it has never existed before in the United States, where ethnic minorities have about behind such a large percentage of offenses punishable by the Justice and where this number goes growing, ” Deborah Denno, professor of law at Fordham University and an expert in criminal justice, told the BBC.

“With this trend, we can say that there is a bias in the profile of conviction is housed today in our prisons: increasingly, the convictions are for crimes of immigration and not for crimes that ordinary citizens perceived as the most threatening, such as murder or sexual abuse, “Denno said.

“It has a serious impact on families, as well, because most of these convicts are men and are responsible to bring the bread home,” said Deborah Denno.

Read the entire BBC Mundo article.


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