From Fordham to the Far East


Members of the Fordham Law faculty and administration recently fanned out across Asia on a weeklong trip to visit with alumni and strengthen the Law School network in key cities in the region.

The trip began with an alumni chapter lunch in Tokyo on December 11. Seventeen alumni and friends attended the event, hosted at Latham & Watkins by Tokyo chapter leader Daiske Yoshida ’98. Vera Bullock, Assistant Dean of Advancement and Assistant Vice President for External Relations, also met with prospective students at leading law firm Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu.

“Our alumni in Tokyo are enthusiastic boosters for Fordham Law School, and we are very fortunate to have their support,” Bullock said.

Two nights later, eighteen Fordham Law alumni and friends gathered in Seoul for that city’s chapter reception. Earlier, Dean Nestor Davidson and professors Thomas H. Lee, Ethan J. Leib, and Aaron Saiger participated in an international symposium on legal education sponsored by Sungkyunkwan University Law School. The conference brought together leaders from law schools in Korea, China, and Japan to explore common challenges and paths forward at a time of great change.

On December 14 and 15, the Fordham contingent attended events in mainland China. Monday’s event was a chapter reception in Beijing hosted at O’Melveny & Myers by Brad Butwin ’85. On Tuesday, Howard Wu ’98 hosted Fordham attendees at a reception at the offices of Baker & McKenzie in Shanghai.

The trip concluded with a reception in Hong Kong on December 17 hosted by Dean Davidson and a chapter lunch the following afternoon in Singapore hosted by Professor Lee.  

Fordham Law’s leadership say that the Law School’s alumni chapters in Asia are key to its sustained growth outside the United States.

“The legal marketplace in Asia, at a time of transformative growth for the region, is a critical priority for Fordham Law as the School continues to cultivate its international presence,” said Davidson. “We will be relying on our alumni in this region to help us carry the Fordham message far and wide. With the eagerness and dynamism that our graduates bring to their work, we are excited for the School to expand to new, global audiences.”


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