New York Law Journal: Diller Stepping Down as Dean of Fordham Law


New York Law Journal covered Dean Matthew Diller’s announcement about his decision to make the 2023-2024 academic year his last as dean before returning to serve Fordham Law’s mission as a faculty member.

Diller has served as a dean for nearly 14 years in total. Before becoming dean at Fordham, he served as dean of Yeshiva University Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law from Aug. 1, 2009, to June 30, 2015, according to Rosenblatt’s Deans Database (RDD).

His scholarship focuses on social welfare law and policy, and he has lectured and written extensively on the legal dimensions of social welfare policy, including public assistance, Social Security and disability programs and on disability law and policy, with his articles appearing in the law journals from Yale, UCLA, University of Texas and University of Michigan, according to his bio.

During his tenure at Fordham Law, Diller created the Peer Mentorship program, the House System and the Office of Professionalism, and he has moved the law school forward in promoting inclusion and equity through the establishment of the REAL and IDEAL leadership pipeline programs, the Center on Race, Law and Justice, and the Center on Asian Americans and the Law, Dennis C. Jacobs, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, wrote in a letter to the Fordham community provided to on Thursday.

Read “Diller Stepping Down as Dean of Fordham Law” in New York Law Journal.

Read Dean Diller’s original announcement, “A Message to the Fordham Law Community | Dean Matthew Diller” here.


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