Legal Talk Network: Why Do We (Still) Fail to Respect Women Under the Constitution? With Julie Suk


Professor Julie Suk, author of After Misogyny: How the Law Fails Women and What to Do About It, joined law school deans Jackie Gardina and Mitch Winick on their podcast SideBar to discuss the legal and economic framework in the United States that fails to fairly recognize and value women’s work.

Unfortunately, the U.S. remains a leader in unequal pay, no pay, inadequate support for childcare, healthcare, and social services, and irregular parental leave policies and protections. Professor Julie Suk explains how other countries have enacted constitutional protections and inclusive lawmaking processes that result in more equitable outcomes for women that result in benefits to all members of society. Professor Suk challenges us to consider correcting deficiencies in our federal constitution that would enhance equality, improve the economy, and enrich our democracy.


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