Want to Make Money Like a C.E.O.? Work for 275 Years


Jennifer Gordon was quoted in the New York Times about income inequality.

Disposable income is needed for a healthy economy, and people need the time and resources to take care of themselves and their families.

“Particularly in low-wage jobs, people are struggling to pay for housing, for health insurance, for child care,” said Jennifer Gordon, a law professor at Fordham University. “When people are working two and three jobs and are not able to put together a decent wage, then at a very basic level they don’t have time to be active in their children’s schools, they don’t have the ability to engage in their local politics.”

“The top layer of management live like kings and queens while the people at the bottom are scrabbling for a decent existence,” Ms. Gordon said. “We should not have that in a society where equality and fairness supposedly matter.”

Read full article.


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