Teaching, Mentoring, Hiring!


What goes around comes around, especially when it comes to this group of grads and their commitment to feeding the Fordham Law School pipeline.

There are many different paths to success, but in some ways, particularly when it comes to Fordham Law, all paths originate from (and lead back to) the place where it all started: the classrooms and clinics and friendships formed at the Lincoln Center campus. The interconnected group, below, exemplifies the power of the Fordham Law bond, and how it seems to naturally generate mentoring, which leads to great hires and often, lifelong support. Here’s how one cluster of former Fordham Law students are getting by with a little help from their friends (and faculty). —Paula Derrow


Khadijah Sharif-Drinkard ’97
Senior Vice President, Business and Legal Affairs, Viacom Media Networks
“At [Viacom], I always take time to meet with Fordham Law students, to find out what courses they’re taking, or what they need to know. With Chereece, who started out as a per diem lawyer, I was focused on helping her take on a role as staff counsel so she could grow in her career. She did a great job, and last December, she was promoted to VP. As for Rakiat, her work ethic was like no one else’s and eventually, I recommended her for an associate counsel position at another company. She reminds me of a younger me. She likes to roll her sleeves up and get into the hard-core work. ”

Professor Elizabeth Cooper
Khadijah Sharif-Drinkard says:“In law school, when my mom had cancer and I had to move back home to help my 6-year-old sister with her homework, then come back to the clinic and work until 3 a.m., Professor Cooper told me to take care of myself. She reminded me that whatever I was doing, it was enough. She was a rock for me.”


Chereece Lawson Martin ’04
Vice President, Business and Legal Affairs, Viacom Media Networks/BET
“Khadijah’s and my shared pride in Fordham Law gave us strong footing from the beginning,” says Lawson Martin. “We connected right away, reminisced about our Fordham days, and have had a long working relationship since then. She has been a mentor, for sure.”

Professor Russell Pearce
Chereece Lawson Martin says: “Professor Pearce was my advisor in the housing rights clinic. Back then, I didn’t feel like I had a lot of litigation potential, but he really drew it out of me. With his help, I thought, ‘Hey—I can do this!’”


RakiatRakiat Gbadamosi ’12
Counsel, Business and Legal Affairs, Endeavor Content
“My closest colleagues and friends are from Fordham Law. We always consider each other first when there’s a career or business opportunity.”



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