Judicial Center Hosts its 2023 Judicial Day in Residence featuring Judges from the Southern District of New York


For the first time since the pandemic, the Center for Judicial Events & Clerkships hosted its Judicial Day in Residence program. On March 1, the CJEC welcomed 11 judges from the Southern District of New York for a day-long visit.

The Judicial Day in Residence program was developed to deepen the connection between the Law School and a particular court. As part of the program, judges on the participating court engage in a myriad of activities designed to fully incorporate them in the fabric of the life of the Law School.

CJEC Director James J. Brudney expressed the Fordham Law community’s appreciation. “We are grateful to the judges who shared their wisdom and experience, in classes, at lunch, and during the Town Hall Session. Having our students hear how judges approach, and struggle with, various challenges brings to life the central role the judiciary plays in actualizing the rule of law.”

The CJEC was honored to collaborate with Chief Judge Laura Taylor Swain in developing this year’s Judicial Day in Residence, who commended the program: “Our court was honored by the invitation. My fellow judges and I enjoyed the opportunity to engage with future lawyers and with faculty in the classroom and in less formal settings throughout the day. It was a special experience for all concerned.” In addition to Chief Judge Swain the CJEC welcomed the following SDNY judges:

  • Hon. Stewart D. Aaron, U.S. Magistrate Judge;
  • Hon. Lisa G. Beckerman, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge;
  • Hon. Philip Bentley, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge;
  • Hon. Vincent L. Briccetti, U.S. District Judge;
  • Hon. Valerie Caproni, U.S. District Judge;
  • Hon. Valerie Figuerdo, U.S. Magistrate Judge;
  • Hon. Robert W. Lehrburger, U.S. Magistrate Judge;
  • Hon. Lewis J. Liman, U.S. District Judge;
  • Hon. Katharine Parker, U.S. Magistrate Judge; and
  • Hon. Cathy Seibel, U.S. District Judge. 

Throughout the Judicial Day in Residence, participating judges joined Professors Frances Browne, Daniel J. Capra, Deborah Denno, Caroline Gentile, Bruce Green, Abner Greene, Youngjae Lee, Richard Squire and Olivier Sylvain to co-teach classes across the curriculum from first year to seminars and in both the day and evening divisions.

Chief Judge Laura Taylor Swain joins Professor Youngjae Lee’s class.

The centerpiece of the day-long visit was a town hall discussion for the Law School community moderated by Professor James J. Brudney, Joseph Crowley Chair in Labor and Employment Law and CJEC Faculty Director. Judges fielded questions about their approaches to their profession, including relations between magistrates and district judges in the SDNY, judges’ roles in settlement conferences, the considerations and challenges of sentencing hearings and proceedings, approaches when deciding cases that have little or no precedent, and the value accorded to oral arguments.

“The [Judicial Day in Residence] gives you an entirely different perspective—to actually meet, engage with, and hear from judges about how they think about their work, how they think about the process of what they do, what is important to them, and to be able to learn from them,” said Dean Matthew Diller to the student attendees at the top of the program. “That is something that I think will stay with you and will affect how you read casebooks going forward and how you think about your own work in the courts in the years to come.”

The reception after the Town Hall provided an opportunity for Fordham Law community members to engage with the judges in a collegial setting.

“Resuming our Judicial Day in Residence initiative this year marks the CJEC returning fully to normalcy. The buzz of excitement throughout the building was palpable.  It is such a unique opportunity for our community and we are grateful to Chief Judge Swain and her judicial colleagues for partnering with us.” said Suzanne M. Endrizzi ‘96, CJEC assistant dean.

Judge Lewis Liman joins Professor Abner Greene's class.
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