The Guardian: Prof. Bruce Green Says Trump’s Blustering Won’t Deter Prosecutors


Professor Bruce Green tells the Guardian that Trump’s accusations of supposed bias or racism by prosecutors investigating criminal charges against him will not result in their removal.

“Blustering in court or in the media about the supposed bias or racism of the Fulton county and Manhattan county prosecutors will not convince a court to remove a democratically-elected prosecutor, and certainly the Republicans in the House of Representatives have no legal authority ability to influence the course of criminal justice in New York state proceedings,” said Fordham law professor and ex-prosecutor in New York’s southern district Bruce Green.

Green stressed: “None of Trump’s moves, such as calling prosecutors racists, are likely to throw any of the prosecutors off their game: prosecutors tend to be focused, determined and thick-skinned.”

Read “Trump’s Verbal Assaults Pose Risks to Prosecutors and Could Fuel Violence” in The Guardian.


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