Fordham Law School Reaches, Exceeds $100 Million Goal in Forward Fundraising Campaign


On June 12, Fordham Law School celebrated the completion and fulfillment of “Fordham Law Forward: The Campaign for the Student Experience.” More than 9,000 donors helped exceed the $100 million goal, raising $110 million in support for the Law School over the past decade.

Launched in 2018 as an extension and expansion of the Campaign that began in 2014 under the leadership of Dean Michael M. Martin, the Campaign has enhanced the Fordham Law experience for current students by providing scholarships and financial assistance to students; support for faculty, clinics, centers, and institutes; and investments in new programming and resources at the Law School. The Peer Mentorship Program, the House System, and the Office of Professionalism have provided invaluable support and guidance for students, and inclusion and equity has been promoted through the establishment of the REAL and IDEAL leadership pipeline programs, the Center on Race, Law and Justice, and the new Center on Asian Americans and the Law.

Dean Matthew Diller addresses the room

“When I think of all the changes that have taken place at Fordham Law School over the course of the past eight years, none of those would have been possible without the work, contributions, and efforts of all of you in this room,” Dean Matthew Diller said at the St. Regis New York. “Without [your generous philanthropy and commitment of precious time], we would still be at the starting gate.”

Generosity that Extends Beyond the Checkbook

Thanks to 54 new endowed scholarships and extended grants, the number of students who receive financial aid and support has nearly doubled since 2014. New scholarships like Fordham Law’s Bella and Irving Dubner Memorial Goldman Sachs Scholarship, which was launched during the fall 2021 semester and in support of Goldman Sachs’ One Million Black Women initiative, continue to increase access and affordability to law school, while allowing students to realize and reach their potential.

(L-R) Afrika Owes ’24 and Will Lanier ’23

Afrika Owes ’24, the inaugural recipient of the Dubner Memorial Goldman Sachs Scholarship, recalled being introduced to benefactor David Dubner, and how his words of encouragement—“You have to shoot for the moon, Afrika. Don’t sell yourself short. Remember, you bring something different, and that’s needed in this industry”—counteracted her self doubts.

“Investment in the REAL program, the Deborah A. Batts Scholarship, and endowed scholarships have introduced me to great mentors like Deneen Donnley ’92, David Dubner ’02, and Will Lanier ’23 [outgoing SBA president],” Owes said. “Deneen supported the Batts Scholarship and David supported my endowed scholarship, but neither of them stopped there. They continue to mentor me and check in.”

She added, “A good donor can write a check. A great one will write a check and check in.”

Faculty are the Foundation

One key goal of the Campaign has been to raise philanthropic support that advances faculty members’ scholarly endeavors which, in turn, aids students in their education, research initiatives, and post-graduate experiential learning opportunities.

Since launching the Campaign, the Law School has hired new faculty members who are leading the way into uncharted avenues of legal study. They share ideas freely, collaborate with one another and with students on key areas of the law, and foster open academic discourse that transforms students into the legal leaders of tomorrow.

“The classroom is where it all starts,” said Dean Diller. “[You’re] supporting our faculty, who are key to making all of this happen and whose own scholarship provides a model to our students about how we can use knowledge and expertise to make a difference through the law.”

Fordham University President Tania Tetlow

Last year, Fordham Law placed 23rd nationally according to the latest study conducted by Professor Gregory Sisk and colleagues at the University of St. Thomas (Minnesota), which ranks law school faculties by the Scholarly Impact Score as refined by Professor Brian Leiter. Six Fordham Law faculty members were also determined as some of the most cited scholars in their respective fields according to the same data.

“You have made this world-class research of the brilliant faculty possible, and they do cutting-edge work that has an impact on the world that you can be very, very proud of,” University President Tania Tetlow said to the donors in attendance. “You have invested in the kind of transformative teaching that not only matters to the students … but also is helping to shift how legal education itself understands its role [in setting]a new standard.”

Driving Fordham Lawyers to be the Leaders of Tomorrow’s Legal World

Thanks to the success of the Campaign, the Law School will continue to transform the legal education landscape for generations to come by educating and training the next generation of lawyers through its faculty and invaluable offerings. On the cusp of a new era where legal technology will take center stage, the Law School strives to be a trailblazer in the legal tech education and training sector.

Will Lanier ’23 addresses the room

“Technology’s growing presence in the legal sector doesn’t intimidate students,” said Will Lanier ’23. “It actually excites us. We want to learn about it [and]we’re eager to learn how to use these tools and to do so both ethically and effectively.”

“The role of a law school, especially one as influential as Fordham, is not to avoid these changes, but to guide the students through them,” he added. “I’m confident that, with the help of our vast alumni network, Fordham Law will be well prepared to navigate this evolving landscape.”

Check out scenes below from the reception and event:

Fordham University President Tania Tetlow addresses the room
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View the list of the many generous individuals who have supported this initiative here.


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