Welcome to the New JCFL Online!


Welcome to the new Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law‘s online companion!

The new site was created to provide an efficient space dedicated to the work of the JCFL. The Blog portion of the site will continue to highlight current issues of business law through regularly updated posts authored by students and outside contributors. Emerging tax law issues, SEC investigations and regulation, international business law, and bankruptcy are topics that are frequently covered by the blog, which will also host commentary on recently published student notes, updates on previously published articles, and recaps of Journal sponsored events.

The website will further serve as a host for all articles, essays, notes, and comments, and Symposia transcripts from the Journal’s current issue, as well as link to the comprehensive archive of every published book. A page dedicated to our Alumni allows Journal alum to update their contact information and receive information about upcoming programs sponsored by the Journal with the Fordham Corporate Law Center, such as the annual Symposium and lectures.

We are excited for the launch of the new site and hope you will enjoy all that the Journal has planned for the future. Finally, we invite interested contributors to our blog to contact [email protected] or [email protected].

Cassidy Mara

Online Managing Editor


About Author

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Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law